Advanced technologies to provide effective means of detecting obstacles at level crossings, improving safety and security for rail and road traffic.

The iCROW system is designed to detect anomalous situations and behaviours that could compromise the safety of rail and road traffic at level crossings. The detection system is based on Computer Vision technology, which enables it to detect obstacles independently of their metal base, ground clearance or other existing detection systems.

Through image processing and classification of different types of objects, the system can distinguish and memorise a variety of objects such as cars, pedestrians, bicycles and more. The detection zone is defined by a software application and can be adjusted to each individual level crossing. The system is also capable of monitoring any physical alterations which may occur.

A processing unit continuously process images captured by the system's high-resolution cameras and a communications module provides information and alerts of any detected obstacles in real-time, allowing for timely actions to be taken to avoid any potential accidents or dangerous situations.

In Spain we are currently providing our obstacle detection system to Adif - the Manager of Railway Infrastructure.

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The iCROW system is designed to detect anomalous situations and behaviours that could compromise the safety of rail and road traffic at level crossings. The detection system is based on Computer Vision technology, which enables it to detect obstacles independently of their metal base, ground clearance or other existing detection systems.

Through image processing and classification of different types of objects, the system can distinguish and memorise a variety of objects such as cars, pedestrians, bicycles and more. The detection zone is defined by a software application and can be adjusted to each individual level crossing. The system is also capable of monitoring any physical alterations which may occur.

A processing unit continuously process images captured by the system's high-resolution cameras and a communications module provides information and alerts of any detected obstacles in real-time, allowing for timely actions to be taken to avoid any potential accidents or dangerous situations.

In Spain we are currently providing our obstacle detection system to Adif - the Manager of Railway Infrastructure.

The iCROW system is a patented product, which consists of several principal elements:

Camera - A high-resolution camera captures images of the level crossing.

Processing Unit - Processes all images in real-time and verifies the occupation status of the level crossing's control zone.

Communications System - Connects the camera with the processing unit and collects and publishes the images.

Support & Configuration System - Users can see the generated images in real-time, configure the system and download recorded incidents.

Complementary Systems - For instances of insufficient lighting at level crossings, an infrared light or similar system can be installed to facilitate the viewing of images.

how does it work

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The iCROW incorporates various advanced technologies:

CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) - A type of artificial neural network used to analyse images captured by the AI camera. They can detect patterns and features in images, enabling the system to identify and classify different obstacles and activities at level crossings.

RTRM (Real Time Remote Monitoring) - Allows for real-time monitoring and alerts from a central location, meaning immediate action can be taken in the event of a hazard at level crossings.

Machine Learning - a type of artificial intelligence which improves the accuracy and effectiveness of the system over time. Machine learning algorithms can analyse data and learn from it, enabling the iCROW system to make better predictions and decisions in the future.

IoT (Internet of Things) - IoT refers to the network of interconnected devices and systems that are capable of exchanging data and communicating with each other. By leveraging the power of IoT, the iCROW system can provide real-time monitoring and analysis of level crossings, enabling rapid response to any potential hazards or obstacles.

Financiado por el Programa Kit Digital. Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia de España «Next Generation EU»
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