June 16, 2023

DES2023 - Digital Enterprise Show

This week Merasys visited the Digital Enterprise Show 2023, which took place in Málaga, Spain. DES is a global exposition and congress dedicated to Digital Transformation, where hundreds of companies and speakers take part. Companies can share their experiences and innovative solutions based on technologies such as artificial intelligence, IoT and Metaverse for a range of industries like Digital Health, Industry 4.0 and many more!

We are extremely proud to announce that Pelltinel has been nominated as FINALISTS in the European Digital Mindset Awards, for the category of Best Digital Project Towards Sustainability! We would like to congratulate our Pelltinel team for all of their hard work - without them this would not have been possible! Our nomination alone is proof of the steps taken towards a more sustainable industry.

Pelltinel is an intelligent digital solution which detects, monitors and measures the presence of microplastics at various sites along the plastics value chain. Companies can react quickly to any loss of microplastics reducing their impact on the environment. Our industry, our world. Be sustainable!

For more information about the trade show >> DES 2023

Read more about our nominated solution >> PELLTINEL

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Financiado por el Programa Kit Digital. Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia de España «Next Generation EU»
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