June 12, 2024


On 11th June, we attended the FacendoPlus Presentation at the Stellantis Factory in Vigo. We are delighted to be one of the SMEs that are participating for the first time in this project, led by Stellantis Vigo, co-funded by the Xunta de Galicia and in collaboration with CTAG, Aimen, EnergyLab, Gradiant, Universidade de Vigo and other SMEs, Unimate, SFC Solutions and Probotec.

FacendoPlus is a collaborative research and development project with the objective of "advancing industrial competitiveness, generate technological innovation and boost the value chain in the Galician automotive sector". The project focuses on four areas: Factory of the Future, Vehicle of the Future, IT Connectivity and Infrastructure and Sustainability, in which we are offering our knowledge and expertise in technologies such as artificial intelligence and IoT.

Facendo Plus receives funding from the Axencia Galega de Innovación and is financed by the #FEDER Fondo Europeo de Dearrollo Regional (European Regional Development Fund) in the framework of the Galicia Feder Programme 2021-2027.

Find out more about the project and the participating companies here.


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